Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Main Theories of Aggression Free Essays
Framework and survey the primary hypotheses of animosity Aggression is a demonstration of threatening vibe with conscious goal to hurt someone else without wanting to. A few analysts accept that hostility is a significant part of our transformative family and it is seen better in that specific situation, while others accept that animosity is best clarified in physiological terms e. g. We will compose a custom exposition test on Fundamental Theories of Aggression or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now the unevenness of hormones or synapses in the cerebrum. There are numerous definitions used to clarify why people/creatures become forceful (http://www. essortment. com/all/whatisaggress_rxeo. tm). In the social learning hypothesis (SLT) of hostility, Bandura (1962) proposed that the statement of animosity is found out through social learning not overlooking the way that the potential for the human hostility was organic. Bandura guaranteed that we learn explicit forceful practices for instance, the structure where the animosity takes and how it is routed to the objective. Skinner, 1953 recommended that a youngster learns the forceful conduct through direct support while Bandura contends that a kid learns by watching good examples by implication. Besides, the SLT can be utilized to clarify different practices, for example, dietary issues, character and so on. Research did by Phillip (1986) proposed the day by day manslaughter rate in the US nearly expanded in the accompanying of a significant fight this recommended the watchers were mimicking the conduct they viewed from their ‘role models’. This unmistakable shows that the SLT can likewise be utilized to clarify the conduct of both the kids and grown-ups. This is on the grounds that forceful conduct is seen at home and at school just as through the media I. . understanding books, sitting in front of the TV and tuning in to a specific kind of music. By watching the outcomes of other’s activities, youngsters become familiar with the forceful conduct in a roundabout way. This entire procedure is known as the ‘vicarious reinforcement’ whereby a youngster learns the feasible result of the forceful conduct and from that perception; they acquire the conduct that is viewed as proper. Not exclusively does a kid gain proficiency with the conduct however the youngster likewise watches if the conduct merits rehashing. Later on, the kid is probably going to rehash the conduct when the desire for a prize is more prominent than the desires for being rebuffed (Bandura, 1962). Taking a gander at the Bobo doll contemplates, Bandura et al found that youngsters who viewed a forceful model turned out to be increasingly forceful and imitated the conduct depicted by the model. This is clear proof to help the SLT for the reality a youngster took in the forceful conduct by watching the ‘role’ model. Then again, the hostility was forced towards a ‘doll’ influencing the unwavering quality of the decision since this was a ‘still’ figure that couldn't utilize self-protection. Subsequently to this, Bandura rehashed the investigation utilizing a film of lady hitting a live comedian, thusly this impacted the kids to likewise hit a live jokester whenever given the chance. This can clarify the social contrasts, for the way that social orders, for example, the US are exceptionally rough contrasted with different dwarfs of focal Africa who figure out how to live in agreeable agreeableness (Aronson, 1999). These discoveries could be clarified by the distinctions because of social learning whereby the various social orders impact the conduct of the two societies. Be that as it may, individuals additionally respond distinctively in term of various circumstances on the grounds that forceful conduct is compensated in specific circumstances than others (I. e. Serious games such rugby, boxing and so forth ). The suitable conduct is found out for specific circumstances. Additionally, animosity could likewise be clarified because of the loss of individual personality this could be because of the overall namelessness of being in a group or wearing a uniform. The Stanford Prison Experiment delineates this impact; this is whereby Zimbardo demonstrated how the gatekeepers who were deindividuated by reflected glasses and garbs acted forcefully towards the detainees. The Stanford Prison Experiment is an exact help for the deindividuated hypothesis since it shows how the conduct of the ‘normal’ understudies changed after they had been alloted to embrace the job of gatekeepers. Notwithstanding, the mercilessness could be clarified as far as the apparent social jobs since they were not demonstrated the specific way that the ‘actual’ monitors acted. Analyst Zimbardo accepts that deindividuated individuals are probably going to carry on forcefully on the grounds that the departure of a sense in the individual can prompt decreased patience. This thusly prompts indiscreet and freak conduct and a less worry over negative assessment from others. Being unknown in a group has the mental result of lessening restrictions and expanding practices that are generally hindered. Prentice-Dunn and Rogers (1982) proposed that an expansion in forceful conduct following deindividuation may be brought about by the diminished security instead of open mindfulness, I. . turning out to be less mindful as opposed to being unknown to other people. An issue for the hypothesis is that deindividuation doesn't generally prompt animosity, and may really prompt ace social conduct. In a meta-investigation of 60 investigations of deindividuation, Postmes and Spears (1998) found that deindividuation doesn't generally prompt animosity for instance, an individual p iece of an irate horde is probably going to act forcefully while an individual from a harmony rally is probably going to get to tranquil. This plainly shows dissatisfaction prompts hostility. Dissatisfaction decides if hostility is powerful in that circumstance. Dollard et al (1939) plot the disappointment hostility hypothesis proposing that dissatisfaction prompts animosity and that animosity is constrained by the hostility. Thusly, hostility is the outcome of summed up physiological excitement. Instructions to refer to Main Theories of Aggression, Papers
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Can Self-Compassion Make You Happier
Can Self-Compassion Make You Happier Happiness Print Self-Compassion Exercises to Boost Your Happiness By Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP twitter linkedin Jodi Clarke, LPC/MHSP is a licensed professional counselor and mental health service provider with over 20 years of experience in the field. Learn about our editorial policy Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP Updated on February 02, 2020 Peter Griffith / Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All Most people think of self-compassion as being kind to yourself. Although that is certainly a part of the concept, self-compassion involves a way of relating to yourself in a way that allows you to become more emotionally flexible, able to navigate challenging emotions, and enhance your connection to self and others. The ability to relate to ourselves in a compassionate way may sound easy enough but, in fact, it can be quite a challenge. You may find it easy to be compassionate toward a friend or loved one when they come to you with a personal struggle or a challenging situation. Your response to them may be one of understanding, hope, guidance, and encouragement. However, when we are faced with our own life challenges, we tend to be a little more harsh or critical with ourselves. We examine our thoughts and behaviors in a way that can leave us feeling unworthy, ashamed and frustrated with ourselves. In an effort to keep moving forward, we may tell ourselves to buck up, or get over it. Although the intent is to help move us forward during times of emotional challenge, this way of relating to ourselves can create an extraordinary amount of stress and become a significant obstacle in our ability to experience happiness within ourselves and with others. 3 Elements of Self-Compassion Dr. Kristin Neff, a psychologist and pioneering researcher in the area of self-compassion, outlines three elements of self-compassion: Self-Kindness: When people who practice self-compassion find themselves in challenging situations, they recognize that being imperfect or falling short at times is a part of living. The ability to navigate these experiences without putting yourself down is an element of self-compassion.Common Humanity: When we are faced with challenges, it can be easy to feel alone in our experience, as if others would not be able to relate to what we are going through. People who practice self-compassion understand that some of these challenges are part of the shared human experience.Mindfulness: Practicing self-compassion involves being able to observe our uncomfortable emotions without exaggerating them or ignoring them. This mindful and balanced stance helps us to not become emotionally reactive. How to Practice Self-Compassion There are a variety of exercises that Dr. Neff suggests can help us learn the practice of self-compassion: Imagine how you would talk to a friend. We can often extend kind words, hope and encouragement to friends or loved ones. When going through a difficult time, take a moment to consider how you might respond to a close friend if they were going through a similar situation.Become an observer. During times when we feel challenged or struggling emotionally, it can feel like we are simply reacting and trying to emotionally survive the moment. By slowing down, we can take a small step back to observe our experience. Looking at the bigger picture can help us keep things in perspective and help us see important information that may have been missed otherwise.Change your self-talk. Notice how you talk to yourself in moments when you are experiencing negative emotion. Work to reframe your critical self-statements in a more positive, nurturing way. This new tone may sound more like a mentor or advocate, rather than a critic or judge.Keep a journal and write it out. Take time each day to wri te out some of the challenges you are experiencing. Note moments as your mind tends to wander into critical statements or you begin to feel alone in your experiences. As you would with self-talk, intentionally reframe any critical statements with a softer, more understanding tone to see how it might feel different.Become clear about what you want. As you practice ways to reframe critical thoughts into more nurturing self-talk, you can start uncovering clues as to what you are needing and wanting. Take a moment to consider what you want, need or long for in your life. Clarifying these needs will help you focus on where you want to go and what you are working toward, helping to increase motivation and happiness.Care for yourself. Sometimes we take care of others and overlook, or completely ignore, the need to take care of ourselves. When practicing self-compassion you are recognizing that you have needs to be met as well and are worthy of engaging in those self-care behaviors. The ability to establish self-care practices can help lessen the desire to engage in unhealthy coping behaviors when faced with challenges and stress. The Effect of Self-Compassion on Your Emotions As a practice, self-compassion can be beneficial in regulating your emotions. Helps to Calm Negative Emotions The practice of self-compassionâ€"compassionate thinking in particularâ€"has been found to produce beneficial psychological changes of negative emotion. Using self-compassion techniques can help calm the experience of negative emotion and allow people to remember that they are not alone in their experiences of hurt, pain, and loss. In the practice of compassionate statements and reappraisal, the feeling of negative emotion can feel calmed, making room for mindful observation and healthy decision making. Practicing self-compassion can also allow for the surfacing of creativity and motivation. Helps to Increase Positive Emotions Self-compassion has been found to foster positive emotion, especially soothing, warm, and safe feelings. Although this can certainly help in times of distress, it can also be helpful in our daily living practices. We experience daily interactions in our personal lives, at work, or even with strangers, that have the potential to prompt a reactive emotional response. Using techniques of self-compassion can allow us to become more mindful of ourselves and our decision making, resulting in more balanced and positive interactions with others. A Word From Verywell As Dr. Neff describes, the practice of self-compassion can be very different than anything you have done before. Although the techniques are used to help us relate better to ourselves and better navigate challenging emotional experiences, it may feel a bit uncomfortable as you begin to practice some of these methods. Be patient with yourself and remember that we cannot control every aspect of our lives, including how quickly we are able to transform old, self-critical, habits into new, healthy and compassionate habits. Pursuing greater happiness through the practice of self-compassion is a gift to yourself and to those around you. In practicing self-compassion, you may find that interactions with others soften and become less reactive, you may find yourself willing to move forward in an area that you previously felt a bit stuck. In fact, you may begin experiencing happiness as you seek out new, healthy ways of living and relating to yourself.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Swot Analysis Table. Strengthsweaknesses. •Quality Teachers
SWOT ANALYSIS TABLE Strengths Weaknesses †¢ Quality teachers and school leaders †¢ High expectations for students †¢ Teacher motivation †¢ Rigorous teaching †¢ Strong relationship with central office †¢ Flexible †¢ Anticipating and preparing for future challenges †¢ Technology †¢ Communication †¢ Parental involvement †¢ Achievement gaps among student sub-groups. †¢ Lack of instructional programs beyond the academic opportunities for non†college bound students †¢ Reading and math scores needs improvement Opportunities Threats †¢ Availability of timely assessment data for teacher use. †¢ Quality instruction through standards†based classrooms. †¢ Diverse community †¢ Lack of state and local funding for school and district operations. †¢ Businesses Closed †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Employees have expressed understanding of the mission of the school and are involved in the school and how it should operate. Weakness Assessment Communications and Parental Involvement Communication problems were expressed by stakeholders as an area of weakness at the school. Internal communications gaps are impacting trust. External stakeholders were not made aware of opportunities to engage or volunteer at the school or what is going on at the school. Parental involvement is somewhat scarce due to age, inconvenient times for meetings, and parents are not having access to childcare while parents are attending the meeting and school functions. Opportunities Assessment Diversity of Entering Students The school has a diverse student campus which has changed over the last 5 to 10 years. The school serves a more racial and ethnically diverse student body. Whereas the school consisted of Blacks and Caucasians, an influx of Hispanics and other ethnic groups are now enrolled. Data-Informed Success Since the school’s needs focus on its data, the data itself is readily available for stakeholders on the school’s website, in the school’s media center, and in the central office. Stakeholders are well informed about the state of the school. Threats Assessments State Funding and other Threats The State of Alabama is facing major reductions due to budget deficits (AL State School Foundation program, 2014). Our school must accept
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wal-Mart and Class Inequalities Essay - 2374 Words
Wal-Mart has become a staple company in many communities. It is a place where individuals can find most of their needs, and many of their wants. The appeal of Wal-Mart can be found in its slogan, â€Å"Always Low Prices.†It is the appeal of low prices during a time of economic recession that entices consumers. What many consumers do not recognize are the means by which Wal-Mart ensures these low prices. The media coverage of Wal-Mart during the recent months has not been favorable towards the company, and with lawsuits pending regarding issues such as low wages, anti-union practices, and sexual discrimination, Wal-Mart provides an avenue for examining media and alternative media depictions of the issues. This analysis will†¦show more content†¦Although the author mentions why some critique this corporation, the overwhelmingly understated claim is that Wal-Mart is ultimately the victim and critics are simply misinformed. Perucci and Wysong (1999) would agree that this mainstream article from USA Today is giving merit to Wal-Mart and fails to even partially explore the wage-related claims. This article is also representative of the superclass’ ability to control the information industry. This can be seen by the omission of detailed coverage of the issues and who is to blame. reports on the controversy of Wal-Mart in two related articles, â€Å"The Wal-Martization of Everywhere†and â€Å"Low Road/High Road.†The first article claims that although â€Å"Wal-Mart is the world’s biggest private company, with $245 billion in annual revenues,†(Hellerman, 2004) there are reasons to be concerned with the success of Wal-Mart. One of the major claims related to class inequality in this article states that a typical employee earns $13,860 annually, which isn’t enough for a family of three to rise above the poverty line. The majority of the article focuses on some of the claims supporting Wal-Mart, more particularly an economists claim that â€Å"Wal-Mart is the greatest thing that ever happened to low-income Americans,†(Hellerman, 2004) allowing them to stress their income and buy thingsShow MoreRelatedWal Mart1969 Words  | 6 Pages a. What are the functions of Wal-Mart for society? Wal-Mart is an American multinational retail corporation and one of the leading discount department retail stores (Wikipedia). It is the highest- grossing company in the United States (Fortune 2008a), and is by far one of the most successful companies worldwide. Wal-Mart offers a place to buy the majority of our goods under one roof like electronics, furniture, clothing, pharmacy, sports, food, books etc. Wal-Mart sells good at lower price thanRead MoreWal-Mart and Hr Issues1125 Words  | 5 PagesManagement ------------------------------------------------- Wal-Mart ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- DATE: February 16, 2009 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: Staffing at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. ------------------------------------------------- Wal-Mart’s employs 930,000 people domestically and internationallyRead MoreWal-Mart1982 Words  | 8 Pages a. What are the functions of Wal-Mart for society? Wal-Mart is an American multinational retail corporation and one of the leading discount department retail stores (Wikipedia). It is the highest- grossing company in the United States (Fortune 2008a), and is by far one of the most successful companies worldwide. Wal-Mart offers a place to buy the majority of our goods under one roof like electronics, furniture, clothing, pharmacy, sports, food, books etc. Wal-Mart sells good at lower price thanRead More Gender Discrimination at Wal-Mart Essay1397 Words  | 6 PagesSupreme Court case, Dukes vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., dealt with 1.5 million current and former female Wal-Mart employees that claim that they had been a victim of gender discrimination. The ensuing pages will discuss the specific issues that the plaintiffs encountered, followed by suggestions from a human resource manager’s stand point in rectifying adverse impact within the Wal-Mart organization. Gender Discrimination at Wal-Mart In the case of Dukes vs. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (Dukes), the courtRead MoreThe Income Inequality Gap Essay1123 Words  | 5 PagesRecently, studies have shown that income inequality has many connections that have caused the gap in the United States. According to the research I found, income inequality is connected to corruption, trade, wages of workers, and education. The world income inequality had declined since the twentieth century according to the studies found (Clark). Corruption falls increasing on low income individuals more than higher income individuals. Additionally, the trade theory suggests that the free tradeRead MoreFunctionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism1462 Words  | 6 Pages In the United States and in several other countries around the world, many people recognize Wal-Mart for being a great place to shop for any and every household item on the market. However, sociologist find Wal-Mart to be a bit more than just a one-stop shop for everyday items. Sociologist use different perspectives to view society and its functions to evaluate the â€Å"why’s†and â€Å"what’s†within a society. The two main perspectives or theories used by sociologists to analyze society are macrosociologyRead MoreEssay about income inequality33928 Words  | 136 Pages(EBSCOhost). Web. 15 May 2013. Frank, Robert. â€Å"Income inequality: Too Big to Ignore†. Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel Durst. They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing : With Readings. New York: Norton, 2012. 432-447 Print. Murray, Harry. Deniable Degradation: The Finger-Imaging Of Welfare Recipients. Sociological Forum 15.1 (2000): 39. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 May 2013. Olsson, Karen. â€Å"Up Against WAl-Mart.†Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel DurstRead MoreA Critical Review of Wal-Marts Toy Department1073 Words  | 4 PagesThrough my experience in the toy department of Wal-Mart I have learned that no toy is manufactured unintentionally but that each has a purpose and a targeted audience. This conclusion was made through my critical analysis of marketing, colour choices, layout, and cost in regards to the toys. As I strolled through the three aisles, sections of toys began to blend together as it was organized in an orderly manner; separated by colour choices and characteristics. As a result, it was made evidently clearRead MoreJustice and Fairness Essay1261 Words  | 6 Pagescleaning houses, and with Wal-Mart in Minnesota, serving their `guests, all while earning the minimum wage. She also looks to examine the functional and conflict theories of stratification as they relate to the low wage jobs she pursues. Two very different ideas are presented in the hierarchy of humanity. These are the theories of stratification. The first is the functionalist theory of stratification. This theory holds that, according to Emile Durkheim, ...inequalities are good for society...Read MoreCritical Analysis of Business Process Change1604 Words  | 7 Pagesthose who may not easily accept change. Many companies use business process changes to implement a change in process design. Wal-Mart Stores Inc, the company studied for my Business Process Change, uses the same ideals as others in their industry. They focus on customer service, offering multiple types of products, and industry growth. The one thing Wal-Mart Stores Inc focuses on that others do not is dollar values. They work to save customers money; â€Å"Always Low Prices. Always†(azcentral
Suffrage Movement during the Progressive Era Free Essays
During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s women’s lives were consumed with fighting for what they should have always had; equality. This fight for fairness is the main driving force behind the Progressive Era. Women were coming together all over the country in a unified fight for women’s rights. We will write a custom essay sample on Suffrage Movement during the Progressive Era or any similar topic only for you Order Now This massive change had been silently building up in the background for many years prior to 1900 but it is here that we see the biggest changes. Women moving from the homes and houses to the factories and commercial sites. There are other significant changes taking place as well. Women became much more involved in politics even though they could still not vote in public elections. This change in the thoughts and lives of women is one of the main focus of the 20th century and the reason for our 19th amendment. During the Progressive Era the roles of women were changing dramatically due to a number of reasons, but most importantly to the efforts of clubwomen. In 1890 women founded The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC). This was a major step for women’s rights advocates as it established a major political presence in the country. The formation of the GFWC represented the changing roles of women in the political world. Many women felt they were being oppressed and wanted change. â€Å"Violence against women is part of a continuum of sexist power relationships which define our roles in the home, workplace society. Inequality, poverty alienation spawn further violence make women more fearful†¦ which in turn causes them to limit their right to participate fully in city life. †-1988 -â€Å"The Safe City†METRAC, Metro Action on Public Violence Against Women Children, Toronto. The women of the GFWC rallied to support women all over the country and they fought for equality on almost every political front. The creation of the GFWC started a women’s movement towards the clubwoman ideal. They were now beginning to move away from their roles as caregivers and housewives towards more industry oriented positions. Progressive women began to create clubs which supported many different causes such as temperance and better working conditions. The most affluent of these clubs was the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. The WCTU led the way with women’s rights and allowed women to voice their fears about home abuse as well as legal rights. Drawing from all over the country the WCTU gained much of its support from the middle-class women of the 1900’s. By allowing these women to voice their thoughts and fears these clubs became very powerful tools in the political arena. The WCTU consisted of over 39 different departments dealing with everything from labor restructuring, lobbying, and public affairs, to health, education, and peace. By the 1890’s the WCTU had over 150,000 members and over one million by the 20th century. The WCTU was important to white southern women in particular. These southern women were the most need in change due to a common southern idyllic that the woman should be a model of the family and should not be subjected to the harsh world outside the home. This act of keeping the women inside the home all day caused much resentment from the woman and led many women to join the WCTU. These women gradually became active working women and many left their abusive husbands in search of better living standards. Women’s lives in the home also changed a great deal. In the 1890’s Catharine Beecher began to publicize her ideas on housework. She believed that it was possible to â€Å"professionalize†housework. As the first female to graduate from MIT she held a great deal of authority. Her ideas were received with mild success. She tried to blend technology, housework, and science together to create a better picture of the importance of women. The main result of this change was that it made women realize that they were more than a status symbol. A Major cause of the changing roles in the home was that women found themselves not able to join some new professions. Officially excluded from the politics of men during much of Canada’s history†¦ , Canadian women have had their own politics. †â€Å"Who were these women who were willing to sacrifice the relative comforts of home, the frequently permanent parting from family friends†¦ most of them must have found their lives enormously changed†¦ but they adapted to new ways of doing things. †-1988. – Prentice, Bourne, Cuthbert Brandt, Light, Mitchinson, Black They were unable to hold even some of the most unwanted jobs such as janitors and delivery persons. Women were also restricted from voting. Their input was unimportant in both national and even local elections and this made them angry. Women could not hold public offices and were, for the most part, restricted from seizing any adequate amount of power. At the time many men believed women should not hold any power and that they were unsuited for work outside the home. This belief was so strong in certain areas that women had even believed it for a time. Soon women began to become educated. Many colleges were beginning to allow women, both black and white, to attend. Reasons include financial stability, public outlook and support, but most importantly the efforts of women like Susan B. Anthony, Jane Addams, Marion Talbot, Mary Church Terrell, and a number of other courageous women. Through the suffrage movement many women were allowed to receive a higher education. Education was originally only for men but women soon fought that tradition and many colleges began to allow women into classes. Women soon began to challenge their places in society as well as their roles and both mothers and as part of the workforce. Because they stood up to the resistance slowly jobs were beginning to open up. There were many visible signs of women’s changing roles. In the home they no longer looked after children as much as they used to. They were out getting jobs and didn’t have the time to commit themselves to the children’s upbringing. They were also very much more involved in politics than ever before. Women wanted a voice and they were willing to fight for it. They did this by forming clubs and joining in many different movements. Many women felt they should become more involved in the community through clubs and politics and many wanted to expand their realm of control. These women had once been situated mostly in the home but were beginning to challenge this idea. Some women liked the idea of clubs and unions because it allowed them to challenge the norm without sacrificing themselves completely. They believed it was necessary for the removal of the age old gender distinctions. The biggest affect that clubs had on women was their ability to bring all the middle-class women together. This was such an amazing feat that it was hard for male politicians to challenge them. Women began to take control of the finances more than they had in the past. They were bringing in income and felt that they should therefore be allowed to have a say in the finances. They were also more educated and as such believed they were capable of taking care of the finances. Another area that women’s lives were changing in was that of relationships. At one time women’s lives were controlled almost completely by men. The women had little say in anything and could not object to what the husband believed was right. Women were so restricted that they could not speak out even in cases of abuse. Being unable to object to their husbands caused a great deal of resentment and hurt the family’s relationship. â€Å"There are two general divisions to this subject of Equal Franchise. Is Woman Suffrage just and right? Is it expedient and desirable? I think an affirmative answer may be taken as granted all round. If it is admitted that Government is a human concern and that woman is just as human as man, all the rest follows. The fact that woman is different from man mentally and morally as well as physically is not an argument against her enfranchisement, but, in a representative system, a conclusive argument for it†¦. No man, without woman’s co-operation can make a real home. Look at the conditions: Countries that are nominally free being made the prey of monopoly, privileges and injustice, with such evil fruits as the liquor traffic, white slavery, child labor and abject poverty side by side with unimaginable wealth. Man has been a failure as a housekeeper, and it is high time that he took an equal partner  the natural partner he should have had from the first†¦. The infusion of woman’s keener moral perceptions and stronger spiritual ardor into statesmanship is what is needed to meet the perils of the day, and to bring the triumph of the Cause of Peace by securing the triumph of the Cause of Justice. †Woman Suffrage, By J. W. Bengough (1922) http://www. adams. edu/academics/art_letters/hgp/civ/111/5suffragequotes. html This was all beginning to change as women gained a voice and financial independence they also obtained the ability to divorce their husbands and discard earlier beliefs that women were showpieces. Women are persons in matters of pains and penalties, but are not persons in matters of rights and privileges. †(1876 British Common Law ruling). This was overturned by the 18 Oct. 1929 Person’s Case. When women won, Nellie McClung said â€Å"Ladies, hang Lord Sankey’s picture on the wall of the Community Rest Room with Newton Wesley Rowell’s beside it, let these names the names of the other Lords of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council be kept in perpetual and grateful remembrance†¦ †The Progressive Era is known for many achievements, but most importantly for how it helped to shape the world we live in today. Women’s lives have changed dramatically since the late 1800’s. Women were once treated unequally both in the home and in the workplace. They were unrepresented in politics as well. Women had to face many hardships during their fight for equality and much of this fighting began during the Progressive Era (1890-1920). Both in the home and in politics the lives and lifestyles of women have greatly improved. Women who once had no voice now were becoming clubwomen and voting on behalf of their parties. Women who were once confined to the role of housewife could now begin to seek financial stability in jobs such as nursing and textiles. Women’s lives were far from equal to that of men but the steps taken during the 1900’s ensured that they would forever fight until that uniformity was established. There were many times when women struggled to gain equality, but none as important or as far reaching as the women’s rights movement of the Progressive Era. How to cite Suffrage Movement during the Progressive Era, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Literary Analysis of My Son the Fanatic Essay Example
Literary Analysis of My Son the Fanatic Paper Literary Analysis of My Son the Fanatic Written by Hanif Kureishi, the short story My Son the Fanatic develops through the conflict between a father and his son. In the story, the father Parvez who works as a taxi driver immigrated from Pakistan to England with his family twenty years ago. His son Ali is a college student in England. When Ali was behaving abnormally, Parvez’s suspicion led him to discover that Ali had turned into a religious Muslim. Parvez, although born as a Muslim, does not strictly abide by Islam rules. The father and son are holding different beliefs; hence they could hardly accept each other’s moral values anymore. Because the author told the story in Parvez’s point of view, it might be controversial that between Parvez and Ali, which character is on the right side. However, as the title of the story suggested, Kureishi, the author, clearly wanted to convince the readers that the son Ali is the fanatic, urging the readers to take Parvez’s side. The author Kureishi, by no means, has depicted Parvez a perfect man. Parvez as a character has a lot of shortcomings: as a Muslim, he gambles; he drinks; he eats pork; he makes fun of religion representativethe local mullahs and as a husband, he tries to avoid his wife by driving the night taxi (Kureishi 61, 63). Some may argue that he has not been depicted as a good man or as a good father because those shortcomings, on the contrary, those shortcomings draw him closer to the readers. Parvez as a character had become so similar to somebody whom the readers might have known from their real lifea good man but with imperfections. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of My Son the Fanatic specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of My Son the Fanatic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of My Son the Fanatic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Therefore, it is imaginable how easily could the readers relate to the character or even his problems in the story. Under Kureishi’s depiction, Parvez might not be a good Muslim, yet his morals were not totally compromised. For example, he saved Bettina, a prostitute from a violent client, he obviously has a clear standard on what’s right or wrong besides what is being told in the Koran (62). The author summed up Parvez well in the story, â€Å"He knew he wasnt a bad man. He had a conscience. There were a few things of which he was ashamed, but on the whole, he had lived a decent life †(64). In addition, Parvez not being a good husband does not stop Kureishi from depicting him as a good father. Parvez, in fact, is a good father indeed and he is proud of himself for being one. â€Å"For years, Parvez had boasted to the other men about how Ali excelled in cricket, swimming, and football, and what an attentive scholar he was, getting A’s in most subjects †(62). He cared for his son and worked hard to provide for him that â€Å" he had always been aware of the pitfalls that other men’s son’s had stumbled into in England. It was for Ali that Parvez worked long hours; he spent a lot of money paying for Ali’s education as an accountant. He had bought Ali good suits, all the books he required, and a computer†(Kureishi 61). He believes a father should be responsible for his son that he â€Å"had blamed other fathers whose sons began running around with bad girls, skipping school, and joining gangs†(Kureishi 61). So when things go abnormal with his own son, he ‘s afraid that he would be blamed for not being a good father (Kureishi 61), and tried to make things right again by closely inspecting his son and repeatedly reaching out to him. Kureishi provides the readers with little information about the son Ali’s personal life, and some of which are negative, so it is more difficult for the readers to relate to the character. For example, at the beginning of the story, the author informed the readers through Parvez’s point of view that Ali had broken up with his English girlfriend, and all his old friends stopped ringing (61). This hardly counts as a positive sign for Ali as a character at the beginning of the story when the author suggests that he is being alienated or starts to alienate others. Apart from that, according to Kureishi, it is Ali who should always be blamed for the tension between the father and son. For example, Ali makes Parvez feel afraid with his silence and sharp tone (61). In the scene when Parvez gazed at Ali, to test if he has been using drugs, Ali replied his gaze with â€Å"more than a hint of criticism, o much so that Parvez began to feel that it was he who was in the wrong, and not the boy†(63). Also, for multiple times in the story, Pavez tried to reach out to Ali in order to talk about their problems, it is always Ali who shows reluctance in communicating with his own father. In the part where Parvez suggested a night out with the son to understand more about his problems, â€Å"Ali refused to accompany him. He claimed that he had an appointment†(Kureishi 63). As the story develops, Parves â€Å"attempted to make conversation about Ali’s beliefs, but if Parvez ventured any criticism, Ali always had a brusque reply †, or replies him with a look of contempt (Kureishi 66). When Parvez attempted to reach out to Ali by taking actions like keeping a beard, Ali, on the other hand, â€Å"did not appear to notice it†(Kureishi 66). Some may argue Ali behaves that way is because Parvez, his father has no respect for Ali’s religion that he constantly challenges Ali’s belief. Somehow Kureishi showed that it is not the case. In fact, Parvez was just trying to convince Ali that there are other beliefs†as Bettina, Parvez’s closest friend suggested (67). However, Ali, in the story, responded to his own father â€Å"with such aggressive confidence that Parvez would say no more†(67). Kureishi depicts Ali as an ungrateful child who has no respect to his own father. From Parvez, the readers heard that Ali told Parvez, his own father that he ‘s going to Hell (66), and Ali looks at Parvez as if he is a criminal (66). Apart from the above, there is more to show about Ali’s disrespectfulness in the story. First, Ali does not appreciate Parvez’s provision; he repays his father’s hard work by â€Å"throwing his possessions out ! †(Kureishi 61). Second, Ali disapproves of his father’s life style. He accused his own father being â€Å"too implicated in Western civilization†(Kureishi 65). He criticize his father harshly based on religion rules, such as suggesting drinking and gambling are forbidden (Kureishi 64), even after his father patiently explained to him that those were the only hobbies he had after working long hours to provide for him. Ali still gave Parvez â€Å"a horrible look, full of disgust and censure†(Kureishi 64). Third, Ali has no patience for his father’s beliefs. He treats him as â€Å"a rowdy crowd which had to be quelled or convinced†(Kureishi 65). Most importantly, he lost the ability to care for his father’s feelings, in the scene when Parvez fell, Ali â€Å"didn’t even offer him his hand†(Kureishi 66). Moreover, Ali humiliated Parvez’s closest friend Berttina in front of him, bluntly suggesting she is a prostitute by saying â€Å"you know what kind†(Kureishi 68). In conclusion, Kureishi is trying to convince the readers to take Parvez’s side in judging who is right or wrong, he has told the story in Parvez, the father ‘s point of view to build the connection between the character and the readers. By describing the son Ali as the responsible side of the conflict, he has manipulated the readers to sympathize the father Parvez. Moreover, by depicting a slightly flawed character Parvez as a good father who cares and worries about his own son, along with an ungrateful and judgmental son Ali as the fanatic who has no respect to his own father, the author has given the readers a clear choice between the two.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
A Short History of the Soviet and Russian Space Program
A Short History of the Soviet and Russian Space Program The modern age of space exploration exists largely because of the actions of two countries who competed to get the first people on the Moon: the United States and the former Soviet Union. Today, space exploration efforts include more than 70 countries with research institutes and space agencies. However, only a few of them have launch capability, the three largest being NASA in the United States, Roscosmos in the Russian Federation, and the European Space Agency. Most people know of the U.S.s space history, but the Russian efforts occurred largely in secrecy for many years, even when their launches were public. Only in recent decades has the full story of the countrys space exploration been revealed through detailed books and talks by former cosmonauts. The Age of Soviet Exploration Begins The history of Russias space efforts starts with World War II. At the end of that huge conflict, German rockets and rocket parts were captured by both the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Both countries had dabbled in rocket science before that. Robert Goddard in the U.S. had launched that countrys first rockets. In the Soviet Union, engineer Sergei Korolev had experimented with rockets, too. However, the chance to study and improve upon Germanys designs was attractive to both countries and they entered into the Cold War of the 1950s each striving to outdo the other into space. Not only did the U.S. bring over rockets and rocket parts from Germany, but they also transported a number of German rocket scientists to help with the fledgling National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and its programs. The Soviets captured rockets and German scientists, too, and eventually began experimenting with animal launches in the early 1950s, although none reached space. Yet, these were the first steps in the space race and set both countries on a headlong rush off Earth. The Soviets won the first round of that race when they put Sputnik 1 into orbit on October 4, 1957. It was a huge win for Soviet pride and propaganda and a major kick in the pants for the fledgling U.S. space effort. The Soviets followed up with the launch of the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin, in 1961. Then, they sent the first woman in space (Valentina Tereshkova, 1963) and did the first spacewalk, performed by Alexei Leonov in 1965. It looked very much like the Soviets might score the first man to the Moon, too. However, problems piled up and pushed back their lunar missions due to technical problems. Disaster in Soviet Space Disaster struck the Soviet program and gave them their first big setback. It happened in 1967 when cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov was killed when the parachute that was supposed to settle his Soyuz 1 capsule gently on the ground failed to open. It was the first in-flight death of a man in space in history and a great embarrassment to the program. Problems continued to mount with the Soviet N1 rocket, which also set back planned lunar missions. Eventually, the U.S. beat the Soviet Union to the Moon, and the country turned its attention to sending unmanned probes to the Moon and Venus. After the Space Race In addition to its planetary probes, the Soviets got very interested in orbiting space stations, particularly after the U.S. announced (and then later canceled) its Manned Orbiting Laboratory. When the U.S. announced Skylab, the Soviets eventually built and launched the Salyut station. In 1971, a crew went to Salyut and spent two weeks working aboard the station. Unfortunately, they died during the return flight due to a pressure leak in their Soyuz 11 capsule. Eventually, the Soviets solved their Soyuz issues and the Salyut years led to a joint cooperation project with NASA on the Apollo Soyuz project. Later on, the two countries cooperated on a series of Shuttle-Mir dockings, and the building of the International Space Station (and partnerships with Japan and the European Space Agency). The Mir Years The most successful space station built by the Soviet Union flew from 1986 through 2001. It was called Mir and assembled on orbit (much as the later ISS was). It hosted a number of crew members from the Soviet Union and other countries in a show of space cooperation. The idea was to keep a long-term research outpost in low-Earth orbit, and it survived many years until its funding was cut. Mir is the only space station that was built by one countrys regime and then run by the successor to that regime. It happened when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991 and formed the Russian Federation. Regime Change The Soviet space program faced interesting times as Union began to crumble in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Instead of the Soviet space agency, Mir and its Soviet cosmonauts (who became Russian citizens when the country changed) came under the aegis of Roscosmos, the newly formed Russian space agency. Many of the design bureaus that had dominated space and aerospace design were either shut down or reconstituted as private corporations. The Russian economy went through major crises, which affected the space program. Eventually, things stabilized and the country moved ahead with plans to participate in the International Space Station, plus resume launches of weather and communications satellites. Today, Roscosmos has weathered changes in the Russian space industrial sector and is moving ahead with new rocket designs and spacecraft. It remains part of the ISS consortium and has announced Instead of the Soviet space agency, Mir and its Soviet cosmonauts (who became Russian citizens when the country changed) came under the aegis of Roscosmos, the newly formed Russian Space Agency. It has announced interest in future lunar missions and is working on new rocket designs and satellite updates. Eventually, the Russians would like to go to Mars, as well, and continue solar system exploration.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
HR managers want every job candidate to ask these questions
HR managers want every job candidate to ask these questions You’re feeling prepared for your interview. You’ve practiced your handshake (firm, confident). You’ve got your talking points down cold and are ready to answer just about any question thrown your way. But are you ready to ask questions yourself? An interview isn’t just fielding questions and making eye contact with your interviewer- it’s a dialogue between the two of you (or more, if you’re facing a panel-type situation), so it’s crucial to remember that you should also be asking questions too. Let’s look at some of the questions that HR managers look to hear from good, engaged candidates for a job. Questions About the CompanyA great interviewee is going to come armed with both knowledge and questions about the hiring company. You don’t need to memorize every word of their corporate webpage, but a look at the mission statement and any relevant news articles is a good place to start. Once you have that baseline of info, yo u can ask informed questions about the company.Here are some examples:I know that this company prioritizes sustainability. How do you see this role fitting in with that mission?I was interested by the differences between this company and X Co.’s approach to ____. Who do you consider your top competitor in the field, and why? Where do you see the company evolving over the next five years in this industry?Where does this role fit in the company’s overall strategy?What defines â€Å"success†here at this company? What defines â€Å"failure†?Questions about the company, as well as its goals and values, show that you’re interested in becoming a part of the team- not just scoring a job offer. Cultural questions indicate that you’re aware of trends in the larger industry as well as in this company.Questions About the JobIdeally, you’re going to be the person they hire for this job, so it’s important to show a) curiosity; and b) that y ou’ve put a lot of thought into this opportunity. These aren’t questions like, â€Å"so what is this job, anyway?†These should be more substantive questions about the parts of the job that may not be obvious from the description.Here are some examples:What are your expectations for this role?What do you see as the long-term significance of this role in the company?What’s the management style in this department?What is the typical career path for someone hired into this position?Is this a new role? If so, what need was it created to fill? If not, can you tell me what happened with the last person in this role?What are the biggest obstacles facing this team right now?What’s the primary goal of this role in the first 90 days? The first year?What would you say is the biggest challenge/project on the horizon for this role?What would you say is the most challenging part of this position?These questions indicate that you’re envisioning yourself se ttling into the role and considering the day-to-day tasks as well as opportunities to grow.Questions About LogisticsIn the interview, it’s natural to wonder about things like what the next steps are. There are ways you can phrase this that make them intelligent questions. Here are some examples:Thanks so much for meeting with me today! What can I expect, in terms of next steps?Is there anything else I can do to provide more information, or otherwise follow up with your team?What Not to AskSalary questions. These are almost always better saved for later in the process, once you’ve got an offer and can begin negotiating. Mentioning it during the interview can seem overeager.Specific demands. The interview is also not the time to announce that you’re going to need X time off, or request that you get an answer within three business days.Personal questions. Your interviewer may have family pictures on her desk or little tchotchkes that suggest a hobby. That can be a small talk facilitator at the beginning of the interview (â€Å"Hey, we root for the same World Cup team!†), but it’s really not an opening to ask a bunch of invasive questions. Remember, you’re being interviewed for a job- it’s not speed dating.As long as your questions are thoughtful, professional, and require more than a yes or a no, they’re likely to be welcomed throughout the interview or saved for the end. Remember that the goal is to show how interested you are in this job and demonstrate that you’re engaged fully in this process. Good luck!
Friday, February 14, 2020
Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Proposal - Assignment Example These factors raised issues for the company with regard to Supply Chain Management (SCM) which further caused substantial decrease in stakeholders’ confidence. In this regard, the company will be provided with the opportunity of devising as well as implementing better policies and standards with the objective of improving business operations of its suppliers on a global context (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., â€Å"Ethical Sourcing†). Solution In order to mitigate the above described SCM related issue, Walmart decided to undergo a massive restructuring process. In this context, the suppliers of the company were required to be ISO 9000 certified in order to provide goods to the company adhering to the specified quality standards which would not only assure an effective holistic approach in its SCM practices, but shall also prove beneficial in revitalizing stakeholders’ confidence. Moreover, with the ISO certification of suppliers, the company also expected to vitalize its ability to assure that the goods procured are in accordance with the specified quality standards. ... All these initiatives have apparently aided the company and its suppliers to perform their business operations applying increased ethical concerns in terms of quality and transparency (Plambeck and Denend, â€Å"The Greening of Walmart’s Supply Chain†). Why did you pick this topic? SCM is determined to be an important element for retailing and other related companies to perform their business operations in an effective manner. Moreover, with the growing demand for superior quality of goods and/or services are observed among consumers in worldwide market segments. The case of Walmart in relation to the SCM issues has been adopted for identifying the importance of ISO 9000 certification among companies which presents a relatively challenging and unique doctrine to be studied. What is it about this topic that interests you? The topic is based on the notion which signifies that SCM practices, within the organizational context are determined to be an important element which is essential to procure quality goods or services in an efficient manner. It is worth mentioning in this context that with the development of technology and globalization effects, the market competition has intensified. In this respect, consumers are also recognized to be demanding for superior goods at competitive prices. This particular understanding can be apparently observed with reference to the SCM practiced within Walmart wherein the suppliers are required to be ISO certified in order to assure that the goods procured are in accordance with the specified quality standards. Moreover, this topic also seemed to be emphasizing on the importance of principles and standards for conducting SCM operations in an ethical manner within the global periphery. What
Saturday, February 1, 2020
New look on Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
New look on Globalization - Essay Example New look on Globalization Globalization as a process is looked from a broad perspective. It had come about due to the continuous strong influence by the economy worldwide, social and cultural aspects weighing out the national and regional processes (Beck, 2000). This process is not new. It has historical roots running deep. However, a change in the world in the form of space and time due to the revolution in communication and information signifies a qualitative breakthrough from the past. Globalization has therefore greatly underway globally (Mittelman, 2000). The support got a high rate of change in technology, by price, trade liberation, and through growing advantages of supranational rules, exposing national economies to an intensive competition. Globalization has therefore been seen as being caused by a change in the views of the world, products, ideas, and cultural aspects (Weinstein, 2005). Transportation and telecommunication advancement, including telegram and internet development are all main factors of globalization, forming more interdependence of cultural activities and economy. From the advancement achieved by the countries nationally and internationally, I view globalization as something with historical background, evolving culturally and economically, forming ancient, early modern and late modern stages. Beck (2000) is one of the people who have talked extensively on this concept of globalization, and he argues that globalization is a process that existed many years ago, and it began with the voyages of Vasco Da Gama.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay --
Reason, Desire, and Sexuality: The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan This article by AUDREY C. SHALINSKY, discuss the life of men and woman during the year that citizen of Uzbekistan was migrated from Uzbekistan to northern Afghanistan known as the Muhajiren. â€Å"The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan†article talks about the life men and women and sexual relationship and the forbidden of sexuality in the religion of Islam also, it views gender as symbolic meanings mediated and interpreted through social experience and discourse. AUDREY C. SHALINSKY also, talk over the two interrelated sets of gender that are the symbolic statements about the nature of men and women and the other symbolic statements about the interaction of men and women. Similarly the author finally mentioned the ideas about marriage, veiling, and adultery. This article also talk about the Alimaste â€Å"witchlike figure†the statements about a woman`s passionate and uncontrolled nature. In the analysis this article focuses on traditional, norms, values, and a ttitudes and about the Islamic rule and current society of Afghanistan. These data’s were selected during the year of 1976-1977 in Kundoz a province of Afghanistan located in the Northern of Afghanistan. The Islamic terms, which are used in this article, are nafs, aql and fitna and there were mosques that educate both men and women about these Islamic theories. This article also covers about the Good women and the Bad women and describes the meaning of good and bad. In addition the author firs discussed about the Islamic theory of individual and gender. In this theory the Muhajirin who are the migrants of Uzbekistan used three terms, which are aql, nafs, and fitna and learned these terms in mosques i... ...o sisters and a brother. Because, it’s something common to now a days happening in the rural areas of Afghanistan. We have many stories of teenage girls who are raped by such powerful and wealthy people in far provinces of Afghanistan. And has it mentioned in the book that the girl is blamed, harassed and punished harshly for the sin or crime she has not committed. It`s too similar to life of today’s teenagers and younger girls of Afghanistan. Whom, do their families sell for money or in gambling to powerful and wealthy people? Not only this but the idea of woman not getting education. Still Afghan woman suffering the same problems is a far province and they are banned to get education. However, in Islam it`s not forbidden and Quran says equal education for women and men. But the traditionalist people use their own ideologies and stop women from getting education. Essay -- Reason, Desire, and Sexuality: The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan This article by AUDREY C. SHALINSKY, discuss the life of men and woman during the year that citizen of Uzbekistan was migrated from Uzbekistan to northern Afghanistan known as the Muhajiren. â€Å"The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan†article talks about the life men and women and sexual relationship and the forbidden of sexuality in the religion of Islam also, it views gender as symbolic meanings mediated and interpreted through social experience and discourse. AUDREY C. SHALINSKY also, talk over the two interrelated sets of gender that are the symbolic statements about the nature of men and women and the other symbolic statements about the interaction of men and women. Similarly the author finally mentioned the ideas about marriage, veiling, and adultery. This article also talk about the Alimaste â€Å"witchlike figure†the statements about a woman`s passionate and uncontrolled nature. In the analysis this article focuses on traditional, norms, values, and a ttitudes and about the Islamic rule and current society of Afghanistan. These data’s were selected during the year of 1976-1977 in Kundoz a province of Afghanistan located in the Northern of Afghanistan. The Islamic terms, which are used in this article, are nafs, aql and fitna and there were mosques that educate both men and women about these Islamic theories. This article also covers about the Good women and the Bad women and describes the meaning of good and bad. In addition the author firs discussed about the Islamic theory of individual and gender. In this theory the Muhajirin who are the migrants of Uzbekistan used three terms, which are aql, nafs, and fitna and learned these terms in mosques i... ...o sisters and a brother. Because, it’s something common to now a days happening in the rural areas of Afghanistan. We have many stories of teenage girls who are raped by such powerful and wealthy people in far provinces of Afghanistan. And has it mentioned in the book that the girl is blamed, harassed and punished harshly for the sin or crime she has not committed. It`s too similar to life of today’s teenagers and younger girls of Afghanistan. Whom, do their families sell for money or in gambling to powerful and wealthy people? Not only this but the idea of woman not getting education. Still Afghan woman suffering the same problems is a far province and they are banned to get education. However, in Islam it`s not forbidden and Quran says equal education for women and men. But the traditionalist people use their own ideologies and stop women from getting education.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Case Hcc Industries
08 Fall 08 Fall 1. Evaluate the decision to use â€Å"minimum performance standard â€Å" (MPS) targets instead of â€Å"stretch†targets. We evaluate the decision to use â€Å"minimum performance standard†targets by looking at how good this new target system achieves the four purposes of planning and budgeting processes. First of all, planning and budgeting processes have to enhance management control. Derived from the case, we think corporate managers have too much control on the targets. General managers give corporate managers an estimate of the targets they can achieve but in all the divisions, targets were adjusted.The CEO always has the last call on the targets and in the case of Sealtron we see that this isn’t good. No one believes Sealtron can achieve a PBT of 1milion $ and still the CEO wants that target. For the general manager of Sealtron this was very discouraging. So indeed, management control on targets has increased but maybe too much. On the o ther hand, division managers now have more control on the bonus pool, they can decide which subordinates share in the bonus pool. That isn’t good either because of the grade of subjectivity.If you’re not in good graces with the general manager, you will not achieve any bonuses. Bonuses are not based on how good you actually work but on how good the general manager believes you work. So maybe the control on targets has to be reduced a little bit and the control on the bonus pool has to be made more objective. Secondly, the planning and budgeting processes have to engage in long(er)-term thinking. In the system of â€Å"stretch†targets, some divisions achieved their goals, some not but the company as a whole was consistently missing its targets.In the MPS system they want to improve this. The problem however with the MPS system is that there is too much focus on operational planning, targets are set on short term. Targets are the main focus of the company, even i f you have to take measures that are disadvantageous towards the future. For example, in the Sealtron division the general manager hired some people that he thought would be useful for the company on the long term. But because the main focus lays on achieving the targets, Lou Palamara was afraid that he had to lay off some people that he will likely need in the future.So the MPS system still supports rather the short term, there is no engagement in long-term thinking. Then the third purpose is to achieve coordination. The purpose of the company was to create a bottom-up approach. In this approach division managers prepare the budgets and then forward them to the corporate managers for review and approval. Targets that are provided by the division managers tend to be more accurate and have a positive impact on employee morale because they know they can achieve the targets. They also get the feeling of autonomy. In the HCC case however, the implementation of the bottom-up approach goe s wrong.Division managers prepare the budgets and feel good about it but in each division the corporate managers adjust the budgets dramatically. The way in which the corporate managers change the budgets is perceived as dictatorial. No general manager feels confident with the new adjusted budgets. And as said before, even some corporate managers doubt whether the proposed budgets are feasible. So the dictatorial adjustments from the CEO are rather perceived as a top-down approach, in which budgets are prepared by corporate managers and imposed on the lower managers.The last purpose of planning and budgeting processes is to establish â€Å"challenging-but-achievable†performance targets. In the â€Å"stretch†targets system, targets are perceived as â€Å"not unreachable, just tough†. The intended probability of achievement was around 75 to 80%. This is just slight below the desired level (80-90%). In the MPS system, the probability of budget achievement was abo ve the desired level (Hermetic Seal and Glasseal) but in the case of Sealtron the probability of achievement is only 60-65%.So again, if we look at all the divisions together, the company is missing the last purpose of planning and budgeting processes. 2. Should HCC managers have expected that the MPS target-setting philosophy would be equally effective in all four operating divisions described? No, they should not think so. The new MPS budget system has both advantages and disadvantages, which do not have effect on every division to the same extent and thus result in the difference of the effectiveness of the MPS target-setting philosophy on different divisions.We will answer this question with the comparison of the 4 divisions’ reaction to the MPS system by looking over the characteristics of their managers, staffs, markets and other relevant aspects. We believe that Hermetic Seal is relatively suitable for the MPS philosophy. As mentioned in the text, Hermetic Seal’ s customers were mostly military customers, indicating that their contacts and sales did not change significantly according to the economic fluctuations and were more or less stable.So Hermetic Seal was more likely to make a correct expectation about their future and make an achievable, as well as challenging, budget, which is the key of the MPS. Mike, the manager of Hermetic Seal, who was looking for a large bonus, would make more conservative budgets to ensure that he could always meet the targets. He intentionally lowered the budget target that he used to make, in order to let off the pressure to meet the targets, so at the same time he reduced the motivation to fight for more challenging targets as well.Glasseal manager Carl feels more pressure about the budget and is thus more motivated to strive for the budget and keep his job. The budget target is challenging but achievable, as Carl is 90% sure to achieve the target. This is a proper probability according to practical experie nce in the budgeting system. We believe that Glasseal is the best-suited division for the MPS system. Lou, the Sealtron manager, would like to pay more attention to long-term development instead of currently cutting costs.He was upset with the MPS system but was forced to accept the system and the budget, so perhaps he is poorly motivated to implement the system. However, despite the manager's resistance to the MPS system, the performance of the division has improved under the new system and achieved most budgeting targets that were considered as impossible when making the budget and even exceeded some of them. The staff of the division used to be slothful under the stretch system when they didn't have to achieve the budget, whereas MPS is stimulating the staff to be more efficient.In contrast to the three connection divisions reacting in a positive way to MPS, we consider MPS as a disaster for Hermetite. The division was keeping a horrible financial record in its growing period and needed to focus more on long-term development, so it was unfair and improper to judge and evaluate Hermetite’s performance with financial criteria and to ask them to achieve all the yearly budgeting targets and financial criteria. Moreover, Hermetite’s market situation was hard to predict, as it was unstable and changed significantly from year to year, so it was unlikely to make a proper budget based on a correct rediction of the future. Even worse, the manager of Hermetite, an optimistic person, would like to set high standards in order to achieve high performance. He was upset with the new MPS philosophy, which forced him to accept a cut budget. And different from the â€Å"stretch†budgeting, which encouraged employees to achieve as high targets as they could, the most important motivation for employees in the MPS system is to keep their jobs. For Hermetite, which owned a huge potential and infinite future growth, the former system would have been better. To conclude, Glasseal suited the MPS philosophy best.Hermetic Seal and Sealtron would also perform a relatively positive change in the MPS system. But â€Å"stretch†budgeting is better for Hermetite than MPS. 3. What, if anything, could have been done to improve the implementation of the new philosophy? In order to provide a schematic response to this question, we return to the structure used to provide an answer to question one, being the four purposes of planning and budgeting processes. The first purpose is to enhance management control. With regard to the implementation of the new system, the amount of management control exercised has altered quite ambiguously.On the one hand, the creation of the bonus pool has augmented the amount of decentralized control to the division managers. This was mainly a result of the critique that there was always substantial delay with regard to payments of the bonuses. However, in its current execution, this pool causes the problem of a lack of segregation of duties. A recommendation is thus to leave ultimate authorization of bonuses with the general management, as an attempt to create reasonable assurance of no fraud is being committed by division managers.It would also cause division managers (who would still be able to appoint bonuses themselves) to account for the amount of subjectivity that is involved within this bonus system. The general management might ask explanations with regard to the division of bonuses. On the other hand, the implementation has increased the management control to an unnecessary high level. As can be seen in the answer to the second question, the tensions between divisional and general management have raised substantially within someone divisions without resulting in a higher success rate of targets being met.As a possible solution, an overseeing marketing function might be created. We envision two possible ways to exercise this measure. First, the function could be outsourced to a marketi ng agency, which would conduct an annual audit of the divisions and make suggestions regarding appropriate budget heights. In this way, the independence of this function can be assured. Second, the function could be orientated internally as a staff function with a mandate in the board of directors. The benefit of this second option is a continuous review of the divisions (as opposed to periodical review trough an external agency).The main goal of creating this role is to provide general management with a better knowledge of the market circumstances in which the division operate. And if division managers feel that general managers can provide supported arguments for a certain level of target and/or budget, their commitment could be influenced positively, which is an important characteristic of a budget. The second purpose is to engage in long(er)-term thinking. Using the current implantation, as we mentioned in question one, this purpose is completely missed. The organization does no t achieve in completing the planning cycle.The focus is mainly on operation planning, whereas strategic planning, programming and capital budgeting are taken insufficiently into the equation. When the company decided to change its philosophy, it envisioned a better coordination between divisional results so the company results as a whole would improve. But the results of this new philosophy don’t account at all to this strategy. This lack of ‘fit’ between strategic and operational planning could be countered by the above-mentioned marketing function, but also by accepting a higher level of risk.Especially with regard to Hermetite, HCC should be willing to accept the optimistic sales forecasts and even suffer losses during short term because in the long run it could perhaps achieve its immense growing potential and generate generous revenue and profit for the firm. In general, the general management should have thoroughly assessed the general mission, vision and s trategy of the firm beforehand and used this more strictly as a guideline to the budgeting and target setting process. The third purpose is to achieve coordination.The most important mistake committed by general management in this area, was the vigorous approach of the new top-down budgeting process. Although the general management tried to create a mixture of top-down and bottom-up in their system, their rather dictatorial approach has created the sentiment that the focus is purely on top-down budgeting. This approach could have been softened by a better communication towards division managers and other personnel. This step might seem negligible, but it could seriously impact the culture that is present in certain divisions (for instance Sealtron).Another possible measure is to decentralize some target-setting authority to division managers. Not total authority, but perhaps a system that involves negotiating power over the extents of targets. It could involve limits to targets, ins tead of an absolute number. In this way, the coordination might evolve more towards a sideways coordination system. The last purpose is to establish â€Å"challenging but achievable†performance targets. If the above-mentioned suggestions are addressed, we believe that this fourth purpose could be provided with reasonable assurance. It is an additional outcome to implementation of the recommendations already made.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Its Time to Move Beyound Race Essay - 583 Words
In Michael Omi and Howard Winant’s essay â€Å"Racial Formation†, we see how the tendency to assign each individual a specific race as misleading. This essay suggests that race is not merely biological, but rather lays more in sociology and historical perspective. Once we look at someone and say, â€Å"They’re white†, it brings forth all the stereotype’s that go along with that â€Å"race†, and once the race is assigned, it is assumed that we can know something about the person. Indeed, if we were to accept that people do fall nicely into specific races, it would seem to ascribe a sort of universality to the group. In other words, if a black man from Kenya was raised in Chicago, IL, rather than Kenya, due to his biological race, it could be assumed the†¦show more content†¦This also doesn’t convince us that attributing every individual to a certain category is even beneficial or necessary. Ultimately, the paper states that once we designate someone as a certain race, we then have a basis to differentiate ourselves. This serves a people in power the most, as when the Irish-Americans, though viewed as somewhat unruly, were still able to enter and run for public office because of naturalization laws of the late nineteenth century. Once it was established in the United States that there were competing groups out there in the labor force, namely African, Asian, Latin, and Mexican-Americans, it became advantageous to draw a color line to create a large group, those of lighter skin color, to raise and continue to hold the power through numbers and mass alone. Once it becomes established that a group’s tendencies are of a natural prescription, as in the â€Å"Ethnic Notions†film, and once the greater society adheres to the simple guidelines fed to them, the argument is then taken out of the minority group’s hands. â€Å"Immutable†then would describe the group lacking power enough to break the stereotype. This social construction of race, one that lumps a mass of people into an ambiguous category, becomes an enigma. In order for the group to break free from this, they must acquire a perspective, but their morale is so beaten that they are happy to have any place in the society, so the enigma grows. One thing is evident; we couldShow MoreRelatedMarriage and Cohabitation13809 Words  | 56 Pagesgood or bad times, it remains through sickness or health, no matter what happens throughout the years, as marriage continually exist between two individual until death comes. Anthropologist have proposed several competting definition of marriage so as to encompass the wide variety of marital practices observed across cultures. Edvard Westermack in his book, the history of marriage, 1992, defines marriage as a mere or less durable connection between males and females, lasting beyound the mere act
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